E-Visa Bali


OSS Update

OSS update is an activity that must be carried out by business owners in order to update information about their company. In the course of a business, changes often occur, whether in the organizational structure or additions/changes in business fields in the KBLI. That’s where OSS updates are needed to ensure that business data is recorded according to the latest conditions.

Requirements From Applicant for OSS Update

  1. Password and Username OSS

Frequently Ask Question

OSS updates need to be done when the company makes budget changes

The basics, like :

  1. Changes in Authorized Capital
  2. Changes in Paid-in Capital
  3. Change of Director or Commissioner
  4. Change of Company Address
  5. Changes in Share Composition
  6. Changes in Business Fields (KBLI)


To update company information or data, so that the government, partner companies and company customers get accurate information regarding company activities.

Updating OSS-RBA is mandatory if:

  1. Make company changes
  2. The company is still using the old version of OSS


Note: The latest version of OSS is OSS-RBA

Price and Processing Time

*All payment transactions performed will be converted to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).

For more detail about price and processing time please download our quotation

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